


Pixel mapping is a process which is usually done with all new digital cameras at the factory, so they are essentially 'perfect' out of the box - even though the realities of life mean that the image sensors the cameras contain often do suffer a few problematic pixels from day one. Olympus' Camedia C-4040Zoom already includes an 'Automatic Pixel Mapping' algorithm in the firmware out-of-the-box.

簡單來說,任何一部數碼相機,在出廠前,會先經過 Pixel Mapping 的過程,確保數碼相機在出廠後,透過機內的軟件計算光點或死點顯示的色彩,令用家不會看到 CCD 或 CMOS 上有任何光點或死點,所以,大家所使用的數碼相機,內裏的影像感測器可能有不少光點或死點!

廢話講完,剛剛到 I4U Future Technology News 網站,看到 Nikon 將會推出 D50 數碼單鏡反光機(幅相係假相,但似乎 Nikon 真係有可能出部 D50 )。最近心情麻麻,看到新機完全沒有感覺,實在奇怪,可能,數碼產品給人一種很遙遠的感覺,究竟追到何時才能捉緊它?
